The best times to publish on Facebook, Twitter and send Emails

We have been carrying out lots of research lately and we have come up with this post on when best to publish a post on your social media platform, for now we've been able to come up with that of Facebook and twitter.

Facebook: - Saturday is the day of the week which gets the most participation. - Thursday and Friday obtain 18% more participation than other days of the week. - During the rest of the week, publishing outside of "business hours" (super early in the morning or late at night) will get you more engagement.
Twitter: - On Twitter participation also increases on
Saturdays and Sundays. - And by following a similar
behavior to Facebook, during the week, the best time to posts tweet is midday and after general working hours. - The most percentage of retweets happens around 5pm.
Sending emails: - Subscribers have to check email
during the week after 12pm, and the most attractive
time are between 2-5pm. - Tuesday and especially
Thursday are the days which register a larger
percentage of mailings and "open rate".
You should keep in mind that this hours emerge from the analysis of all our users posts, which are from different sectors, therefore in your industry it can be the same or vary. But beyond this, I hope that this info helps you and you keep them in mind while scheduling your posts.


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